About the Symposium

Dear Colleagues,

We are honored and delighted to invite you to participate in the Symposium entitled:

How much faster could we grow?”

The Symposium is organized by the Macedonian Pharmaceutical Association, the Section for Pharmacy Practice, and the Section for Clinical Pharmacy.

Drawing on long-standing experience in the continuous education of healthcare professionals, we believe that the scientific program, which includes plenary lectures, oral presentations, workshops, and poster sessions, will result in a successful exchange of contemporary knowledge and experiences between pharmacists and physicians as researchers and long-term practitioners.

The Symposium covers topics focused on the promotion and improvement of public health, collaborative therapy management, current practices, and approaches based on evidence-based medicine and pharmacy, addressing irrational polypharmacy and contemporary knowledge and recommendations for shared decision-making in treatment.

This Symposium represents a unique opportunity for interprofessional, interdisciplinary collaboration between pharmacists (community pharmacists, specialists in clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice, as well as hospital pharmacists) and general practitioners, specialist physicians and subspecialists in fields such as neurology, cardiology, endocrinology, and other related areas of internal medicine.

The participation of students—healthcare residents in the fields of pharmacy and medicine is also welcomed.

We eagerly look forward to welcoming you from November 8-10, 2024, at the Drim Hotel, Struga, R.N. Macedonia.

Head of the Section for
Pharmacy Practice
Prof. Dr. Marija Glavas Dodov

President of the
Macedonian Pharmaceutical Association
Prof. Dr. Rumenka Petkovska

Head of the Section for
Clinical Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Kapedanovska Nestorovska


Organizing Committee
Rumenka Petkovska – Chair, N. Macedonia
Dushko Shalabalia – General Secretary, N. Macedonia
Ivana Chesmedzievska – Secretary, N. Macedonia

International Scientific Committee
Marija Glavas Dodov – Section for Pharmacy Practice, N. Macedonia
Aleksandra Kapedanovska Nestorovska – Section for Clinical Pharmacy, N. Macedonia
Biljana Lazarova, N. Macedonia
Branislava Miljkovic, Serbia
Dragan Gjorgjevski, N. Macedonia
Gabriela Novotni, N. Macedonia
Irena Mitevska, N. Macedonia
Jasmina Hadziabdic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Katerina Stavrik, N. Macedonia
Kristina Mladenovska, N. Maacedonia
Magdalena Vashik-Novachik, Poland
Maja Ortner Hadziabdic, Croatia
Matej Stuhec, Slovenia
Nenad Miljkovic, Serbia
Renata Slaveska Raicki, N. Macedonia
Rumenka Petkovska, N. Macedonia
Sandra Vezmar Kovacevic, Serbia
Sasha Jovanovska Mishevska, N. Macedonia
Zoran Sterjev, N. Macedonia
Valentina Risteska Nejasmic, N. Macedonia